Lynn’s Success Story

Hey my name is Lynn Murphy and I’m a member of the best class in town 8am Ladies and Colm.

I’ve been with Catherine for years (15 in total if I’m really honest). I had so many reasons for joining but my main reason was to feel good in my own skin again. I was always heavy boned / big boned as a child / teen. I loved food then and still do now. I’ve had a few knocks over the years and was teased a lot about my weight and never had the confidence to do anything about it until I joined WW ( previously).

At my heaviest I was 12 stone 3 and a half pounds ( I’ll never forget that number) but that was only the start for me. At this point I was at home with two young children and decided to start walking ( always hated gyms, never did PE in school) the fear of not being able to do it but I knew I could walk, walk faster or shorter distances, depending on what kids had on.

That’s where I found my love of walking / jogging. I started walking a night once kids were tucked up in bed and there was no pressure on time ( no mammy guilt). As kids grew older and became involved with afterschool activities my routine changed. As the pounds came off I started to walk / jog ( what’s now called jeffing) I enjoyed the push. Over the years the running became my escape from the fast pace life most of us live in. 30 minutes of fresh air and just empty road in front of me is my kind of heaven. At times it had to be put on the back foot so I could help out caring for my mam. In between hospital visit and juggling house, kids and life its self, if I had anytime left, I would always try get outside for a run.

As I said before I love food, I also run so I can indulge in some amazing food my husband cooks for us ( not my forte) but we can’t be good at everything. Running for me became a hugh part in my life and lately has been a crutch for me to help me deal with sudden loss of my Dad and recent loss of my Mam. Life has changed in so many ways but two things that have remained consistent is my Wednesday morning 8am class (such an amazing family & lifelong pals) & running. There is no pill that could have helped me the way running has in the last 5 years.

Some days are harder to juggle it all but I find if I sit down on Sunday and plan my week ( plan my run days / my walk days and my rest days) around my life makes it so much easier. That’s my time for me. It’s not selfish, a happy mammy makes for a happy home. So, to wrap up yes, I’ve lost nearly 3 stone and continue to keep that off ( Maintenace is hard) but loosing that again would be so much harder. Stick to your class the talks are great and no matter the loss or gain on the scales it does not matter you laced up and you showed up. Thanks for reading my story. Lynn 8am Turning Point Wellness class rocks 💜