Maeve’s Success Story

I was fed up with being overweight and unhealthy, knowing what limitations it posed to my lifestyle. I had to do something about it.

I was in Catherine’s class before the pandemic and it was always light hearted, but to the point. I really needed that structure and accountability. I booked in six One to One sessions with Catherine, who was with Turning Point Wellness. I remember logging out of that first zoom call feeling a surge of motivation and relief. I knew that I had good & solid support behind me and there was a plan in place.

Turning Point Wellness is a godsend to anyone who wants to loose weight. I find that there is a personal touch and a relaxed approach to weight loss. There are no negative vibes at all, with support and motivation every step of the way. Each class with Catherine concentrates on a topic which sets the stage for more healthy living. This way, it became routine and part of my everyday life. I have not had to deprive myself of takeaways or treats along the way. It was never a chore or a worry , because my mindset has changed to go for a healthier option. The weight started coming off consistently every week.

This journey has transformed my life. My whole attitude to nutrition has completely changed. I have so much more energy and feel lighter on my feet. I am now running several times a week and at my goal weight. I can go into a clothes shop and pick what I want, they have my size! I can wear the beautiful ring my Mum gave me for my graduation again. The stress of being overweight is gone. There are so many benefits!

To anyone who faces the same journey I thoroughly recommend Turning Point Wellness. I most certainly could not have done it without Catherine, Mary and Nicola.