What we did as Weight Watcher leaders

To become a Weight Watcher leader, you had to have been a Weight Watchers member and achieved your goal weight.

We were members and have our own personal weight loss stories.

We met each other on our first day of our leader training workshop, that’s where we bonded back in 2006.

We worked very hard during our training process, we became our own support network, our bond has got stronger and stronger over the years.

We were very excited and proud to become Weight Watchers leaders and wore our name badges with pride.

We started our own meetings, it was scary at first, wondering would anyone turn up, they did, we built up great meetings over the 15 years, developing bonds with our members, many of whom are still with us to this day.

Our weekly meetings became a community of like-minded people, supporting each other.  

As leaders we gave support and guidance to our members helping them create their healthy happy lifestyle, with weekly weigh in’s, motivational talks along with practical food and cooking advice, whilst encouraging good healthy habits.

Being a leader is hard work, much of this work was done behind the scenes, with continuous training, keeping up to speed on food plans, preparing for our meetings ensuring they are fresh, informative, interesting, fun, and motivational. Constantly offering support to our members, we did this because we were passionate, doing what we loved.

When Weight Watchers left Ireland at the end of 2021, there was never a doubt in our minds that we would give up too, hence Turning Point Wellness was born.

This is our new chapter, we’re really excited to continue, between us we have so much a lot to bring to the table.

Welcome on board TPW